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Survey gauge of cutting machine processing bad

As following:
1, measuring equipment (diameter micrometer, dial gauge, pneumatic instrument) to decide whether to regularly check the project?
2, measuring equipment regularly check, regular exchange is decided?
3, regular, irregular exchange of measuring equipment, whether the implementation of comparative measurement?
4, measuring equipment daily inspection project is decided?
5, whether the inspection tools and tools, spare parts, such as the difference between the work?
6, the examination has not placed in the oil, garbage, chips and other foreign bodies of the place? Can the sample be used without correction?
To tell you the 7, cutting machine, control sample, precision gauge is good? Can the sample be used without correction?
8, when the product is used as a sample, whether to identify management, etc., do not let it mixed with the product?
9, there is no need to adjust the use of dial?
10, using a dial indicator, taking into account whether a rotation?
11, the instrument failed, the implementation of tracking, processing route and so on the system is decided?
12, whether to consider the use of instruments (measuring tools) time, and the implementation of regular amendments?
13, on the measurement machine, special inspection tools, samples, such as whether the inspection of the implementation of inspection? Do you have any missing items?
14, tracking ability is OK?

Post time: Apr-12-2022