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How to connect the main power in the use of the four-pillar cutting press machine?

How to connect the main power in the use of the four-pillar cutting machine?
In order to improve the work efficiency, the four-pillar cutting machine is very widely used, mainly because it is more used. There are many skills to use a four-pillar cutting machine, only qualified technicians can do the work of connecting the main power supply of the machine, the power supply voltage of the machine is usually above 220 volts, if not accidentally touched the voltage may lead to death.
Four-pillar cutting machine
The connection of the machine circuit must match the circuit diagram of this operating manual. After the circuit is connected, please connect the main power supply with a three-phase voltage. The power specifications have been described on the machine nameplate, and then check whether the running direction of the motor is consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow. The above action should be completed before starting the machine.
The following is the way to check the correct running direction of the motor. Press the “Oil pump close in the” button on the touch screen, and then immediately press the “Oil pump open in” button to check the running direction of the motor. If the running direction is not correct, change any two phases of the power wire to change the running direction of the motor and repeat this action until the motor has the correct running direction.
Do not run the motor in the wrong direction for more than one minute.
The machine must be properly grounded to prevent electric shock damage. Correct grounding can guide the voltage of the electrical spark to the earth through the insulation grounding wire, reducing the generation of the electrical spark. We recommend that you use a 2 meter long by diameter 5 / 8 inch insulated ground wire.


What should the four-pillar cutting machine pay attention to in its work?
1. When the precision four-column cutting machine works, the cutter should be placed in the center position of the upper pressure plate, so as to avoid causing wear on the one side of the machinery and affect its life.
2. When replacing the precision four-column cutting machine, if the height is different, please reset it according to the setting method.
3. If the operator needs to temporarily leave the position, he must turn off the motor switch before leaving, so as not to damage the machine caused by improper operation.
Four-pillar cutting machine
4. Please avoid overload use to avoid damage to the machine and reduce the service life.
5. When setting the cutter, be sure to release the set wheel so that the setting rod can contact the cutting point control switch, otherwise the set switch is turned to ON.
6. When cutting the precision four-column cutting machine, please stay away from the cutting knife or cutting board. It is strictly prohibited to touch the knife mold with your hand to avoid danger.


How to do with the unstable pressure of the automatic cutting machine?
First of all, explain that the pressure of the automatic cutting machine is unstable- -in the case of nothing adjustment, sometimes deep, sometimes shallow. What are the reasons for the unstable pressure of the cutting machine? The following Xiaobian to introduce to us:
1. Damaged depth timer;
On the control panel of the electrical cabinet, the cutter generally presents pressure instability to replace the depth timer; if the timer is damaged, the problem will be solved immediately.2. Relay contact touch bad or burn out;
After the relay touch is bad or burnt out, black spots can be seen on the inner wall of the relay (the relay is generally transparent). If the relay is black, please replace it.3. Hydraulic system failure (mainly for good matching, poor parts quality);
Hydraulic system failure caused by pressure instability is Z difficult to repair, according to practical experience, replace a one is unable to completely solve the problem, even replace multiple parts cannot recover, this is due to the use of residual hydraulic parts system mismatch (unless replace the whole hydraulic system), we are usually in the system with pressure valve to increase the stability of the system.

Post time: Aug-11-2024